Crime Scene Investigator!

How do C.S.I works?

Crime Scene Investigator arrives on scene, documents the scene taking photographs, and draws sketches.

What CSI's do:

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What do C.S.I do?

As they walk the scene of the crime scene they collect and examine evidence, it can consits of fingerprints,hair,etc. Also, they take photos of the crime scene or take notes for observations. However, it may seem easy but it can be tiring C.S.I's work on full time basis; either night or weekend shifts.

The Purpose for Crime Scene Investigator

The purpose is to establish what happened and identifty the responsible person who did the crime. This can be done carefully by documenting all the relevant evidence and conditions at a crime scene. People seem to forget that every person who commits a crime leaves a trace and thanks to evidence that's what tells the story of who did it.